Big Love, Small Moments

Ottawa Documentary Family Photography

Capturing life’s microscopic moments

No matter who you are, we have all wished we had a chance to go back and relive parts of the past. Documentary family photography gives us that opportunity by capturing the real moments in your life to look back on, not just how well you could get your children to smile for the portraits. This style of photography ensures you don’t forget the little day to day parts of what your life was like at this moment in time.


Family Photography

Capturing a snapshot of your typical day as a family. Whether it’s meal times, tantrums, playtime , cuddles, car rides, bath time or anything in between these are the moments that you don’t ever want to forget. Not only will you cherish being able to look back on these times, but generations to come will be able to see a snapshot of their family’s life that few people have the honour of seeing.


Business Photography

Allowing your current and future clients to see what you really do is key in their confidence and impressions of your business. Documentary photography allows us to showcase the uniqueness of your business from all your competitors.


Documentary Events

There are moments in all of our lives that are once-in-a-lifetime. These can be the birth of a child, a birthday, a family member returning home, an engagement, a graduation or many others. These are core moments that we remember forever, but as time goes on the small details of those days fade. It’s hard to translate to friends, family or future generations the emotions and experience that moment encompassed. Let me capture all those tiny details and moments so that you can look back on and share them in high resolution for the rest of your life.